Athinoula A. Martinos Center of Biomedical Imaging

Donation Receiver:
Athinoula A. Martinos Center of Biomedical Imaging
Implementation Body:
AEGEAS Non-Profit Civil Company
Massachusetts, USA

The Non-profit Civil Company AEGEAS spearheads global medical research with the Athinoula A. Martinos Center of Biomedical Imaging in Massachusetts, USA. This is one of the premier research centres worldwide, dedicated to developing and applying advanced biomedical imaging technologies. The Center is part of the Radiology Department of the Massachusetts General Hospital and is affiliated both with Harvard Medical School and MIT. It develops and applies innovative tools to solve challenges in the neurosciences, oncology, cardiology and other clinical sectors.

In 2000, in memory of their daughter, Athinoula, Thanassis and Marina Martinos made a gift to create a research unit named ‘Athinoula A. Martinos’.

Since its founding, the Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging has led the field in countless discoveries in the sector of biomedical imaging. The research centre hosts over 120 faculty members and more than 100 postdoctoral research fellows and graduate students from the USA and all over the world. The Center was in the front line in combatting the covid-19 pandemic, continuing its invaluable contribution to biomedical imaging and medical science. Information on the latest successes, as well as on the history of the Athinoula A. Martinos Center, is available at the website

The Center is a global leader in the development of magnetoencephalography and the development of software for analysing MEG data. In neurosurgical practice, MEG is used for brain mapping (motor, sensory, language activities) and can be incorporated in the neuronavigation system aimed at non-invasive removal of neurosurgical tumours located in the sensorimotor cortex of the brain.

The album titled 20+20 Vision tells the story of the research achievements in the four decades of the Center’s existence, from the beginnings in the 1980s to 2020, the year of the book’s publication. Edited by Gary Boas and designed by Ronan Neuman-Hannond, the album enhances Medicine, Technology and, primarily, the People behind the Center’s numerous achievements.