The exhibition catalogue, a luxurious large-format publication on special paper, is lavishly illustrated with full-page and double-page images of the exhibits, which include paintings from the Athanasios and Marina Martinos Foundation, and ecclesiastical objects from the Sadberk Hanım Museum of the Vehbi Koç Foundation. The two introductions are signed respectively by A. and M. Martinos and Rahmi M. Koç. The two curators, Dr Fani-Maria Tsigakou and Hülya Bilgi, contribute explanatory texts dealing with the context of the exhibits: Istanbul, on the one hand as source of artistic inspiration for European artists, and the other as centre of artistic production. The extensive catalogue entries explore the historical and cultural circumstances in which the works were created. The publication is a scholarly reference work in the bibliography on Istanbul.
Authors: Dr. Fani-Maria Tsigakou, Hülya Bilgi
Photographs: Leonidas Kourgiantakis, Hadiye Cangökçe
Book Design: Demir Tasarim, Yeşim Demir Pröhl
ISBN 978-605-9606-42-4
Year: 2023