A short distance from Apeiranthos on Naxos is one of the island’s most important Byzantine monuments, the church of Saint John St’Aphikli. It is of the type of a three-aisle basilica with vaulted ceiling and pitched roof. At least two major phases of construction can be identified, as attested by the superimposed layers of painted decoration in its interior. The first phase should be dated to the period before Iconoclasm (7th-8th century) and the second to the early fourteenth century. Prior to the commencement of works on the monument (2018) it was in lamentable condition, almost abandoned and in urgent need of consolidation. Acknowledging the importance of the monument, the Non-profit Civil Company AEGEAS undertook its restoration, which was carried out under the supervision of the Ephorate of Antiquities of the Cyclades and in collaboration with local specialist craftsmen. Works included reinforcing the static adequacy, reconstructing destroyed parts of the exterior faces, conserving the wall-paintings and landscaping of the surrounding space. Particularly important were the conservation interventions in the wall-paintings in the church, which brought to light the impressive painted decoration of the period before Iconomachy.
- Restoration, conservation and enhancement of the church and its surroundings.