The Post-Byzantine church of Saint Panteleemon in Paiania stands on the northern outskirts of the town, overlooking the street named after it. A small, single-space dromical church with timber roof of simple form, it lacks any notable morphological features. At about the centre of the church there is a buttressing arch of poros stone, of particularly careful construction that attests the master-builder’s ability in such constructions. The timber roof consists of densely arranged wooden slats (venia), as is the case in several small churches in the wider area. The plain type of church, the type of the roof, the reinforcing arch and the somewhat makeshift masonry are encountered in a considerable number of churches in Paiania and the wider region, which are dated to the seventeenth-eighteenth century. The iconostasis is built and according to a date incised on the marble pier of the Beautiful Gate was apparently constructed in 1836. The interior of the church was decorated with wall-paintings, which today survive fragmentarily only in the sanctuary, the east part of the naos and on the buttressing arch. The Virgin Platytera in the semi-vault of the apse was perhaps depicted in half body in the iconographic type of the Blachernitissa. The Non-profit Civil Company AEGEAS undertook in toto the project of restoring the church and laying out its grounds, in accordance with the study approved by the Ephorate of Antiquities of East Attica, which supervised its implementation.
- Restoration of the church and laying out of its grounds.