Holy Church of the Saints Anargyroi

Implementation Body:
AEGEAS Non-Profit Civil Company
Nomitsi, Messenian Mani

The holy church of the Saints Anargyroi in the Koumani neighbourhood of the village of Nomitsi is of the single-space cross-in-square type with dome. The sanctuary apses are inscribed in the thickness of the east wall, a rare singularity in Byzantine architecture. The belfry was built in Byzantine times. At least two constructional phases can be identified in the monument. The first phase is dated in the late tenth century or during the eleventh. The remodelling of the church to its present domed form seems to have taken place in the Late Byzantine period, sometime between the thirteenth and the fourteenth century. The church interior is covered with wall-paintings that belong to at least three phases (10th-11th century, 14th century and 18th century). The Saints Anargyroi is one of the loveliest Byzantine chapels located on the main road axis linking Mesa and Exo (Messenian) Mani since antiquity. The ravages of time and some later interventions necessitated the consolidation, restoration and conservation of the monument. Works were sponsored totally by the donation of the Non-profit Civil Company AEGEAS. On completion of the project, not only was the protection of the church achieved, but also its enhancement in general, as the space around it was rehabilitated and the monument was freed of the later constructions that had hemmed it in.


  • Restoration of the church and modelling of the surrounding space.
  • Conservation of the wall-paintings.