Holy Churches of Saint Paraskevi and Saint Thekla

Implementation Body:
AEGEAS Non-Profit Civil Company
Markopoulo, Attica

The churches of Saint Paraskevi and Saint Thekla stand close to the main square of Markopoulo in the Mesogaia. They form a complex of two contiguous churches, the earlier of which is that of Saint Paraskevi, which was built during the decade 1730-1740. It is a single-aisle basilica with barrel vault and pitched, tiled roof. Inscriptions preserved at various points in the church commemorate several donors (ktetors) and the Archbishop of Athens Anthimos. There is also reference in their texts to the painter Georgios Markou from Argos, who executed the wall-paintings inside the church, together with his pupils Georgios Kypriotis and Antonios Markou, between 1741 and 1751. The smaller church of Saint Thekla was built adjoining that of Saint Paraskevi a few years later. From an inscription on the beautiful gate (horaia pyle) of the iconostasis, its decoration with wall-paintings is dated to the year 1767. From after 1882 and until the beginning of the twentieth century, interventions were made to conserve and gentrify the exteriors of the churches, reflecting contemporary trends in ecclesiastical architecture at that time. The decoration of the façades with successive bands coloured red and ochre dates also from the same period. Prior to the start of restoration works in 2018, signs of damage to the monumental complex were prominent.

The Non-profit Civil Company AEGEAS, acknowledging the historical value of the churches, as well as their importance for the local community, undertook the necessary studies and the works for their overall restoration and enhancement. The study for the conservation of the wall-paintings was prepared by the scientific personal of the Ephorate of Antiquities of Attica. Works began from rescue measures on the wall-paintings, carried out by a team of conservators of the said Ephorate in collaboration with colleagues from the private sector. After approval by the Central Archaeological Council and under the supervision of the Ephorate, the project for the rehabilitation, conservation and enhancement of the two churches was implemented, while extensive interventions were made also in the surrounds, by laying paving stones and planting greenery.


  • Studies and works for the rehabilitation and enhancement of the holy churches and of their grounds.
  • Conservation of the wall-paintings decorating the holy churches.