The Monastery of the Virgin Kastriani, patron saint of Kea, is the most important place of pilgrimage on the island. The first church dedicated to the Virgin was built sometime in the decade 1700-1710, on the very steep hill of Kastri. Local tradition relates that the Virgin herself pointed out the spot of her pilgrim shrine, when some shepherds beheld a bright glow in the sky that led them to the miracle-working icon of her. In 1912, a new larger church was built on top of the first small chapel. Over time, cells, a refectory and other auxiliary buildings were constructed around it. Every year on 15 August, people flock to the monastery to celebrate the feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary. The Non-profit Civil Company AEGEAS, acknowledging the great significance of this sacred place for the Keans, funded the total rehabilitation of the monastery grounds (paving with flagstones, installing systems for draining off rainwater, for water supply, electricity, lighting) and painting the exterior of the katholikon.
- Total rehabilitation of the grounds of the Holy Monastery and the exterior of the katholikon