Ι.Λ.Ε.Α. Historical and Folklore Society of Acharnes

Implementation Body:
AEGEAS Non-Profit Civil Company

Two hundred years of local knowledge are included in the commemorative volume of the Historical and Folklore Society of Acharnes (Ι.Λ.Ε.Α.). Gathered in the pages of the publication are local costumes, jewellery, tools, vessels of all kinds, flags, weapons, icons and religious objects, written documents and many other folklore data from the area of Menidi. The album offers rich photographic material, specially processed by Maria Stefossi. It includes 570 unpublished photographs, some of which date back to the early years of the art of photography in Greece. The historical documents come from the Society’s archives, as well as from the archival collections of the Greek Literary and Historical Archive-National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation (ΕΛΙΑ-ΜΙΕΤ), Greek Radio and Television (ΕΡΤ), the Benaki Museum, the Peloponnesian Folklore Foundation, and many private collections.

Texts: Ι.Λ.Ε.Α.
Photographs – Artistic design: Maria Stefossi
Publication consultant: Maria Mersynia
Sponsor: Non-profit Civil Company AEGEAS
Year: 2019
ISBN: 978-618-83446-1-7